Thursday, June 23, 2011

Crime and Punishment

As my mother will assure you, I see the world in a very "black and white" way, with no room for gray. Which may have been the reason I was drawn to investigations...

Anyways, now that I don't have any of my own cases to worry about, I can follow the big national ones.

First up is the Casey Anthony trial. As long as you don't live under a rock, you will know this as the case where in the young mom (Casey) is accused of killing her two year old daughter "Caylee". Today Casey's mom took the stand and essentially perjured herself on the standing, lying in defense of her daughter. Casey's current defense story is that Caylee died accidentally, drowning in the family swimming pool, and found by her dad. I've got to say if this was true, her father is the greatest actor known to man. Casey (in her defense strategy) has also accused her father of molesting her as a child. The fact that her parents are still standing by her AND paying for her defense (despite the fact of what she has accused them of and her refusal to talk to them) shows that parental love is unconditional. Or that these two have been manipulated by their daughter, a true sociopath. I vote for the later...

The second case, though it's over and now in appeals, is the case of Amanda Knox. Knox was a UW exchange student, studying in Italy, and was accused of the murder of her roommate, Meredith Kercher. This case has made me not want to go to Italy (for the same reason I'll never go to Aruba), their police force is inept, and their judicial process a circus. Now before anyone get's made and give me a "when in Rome" speech, I love Europe, I spent a good chunk of my childhood living there, and no I do not think America is the be all and end all. But when it comes to our judicial process (albeit too slow for me) we have the rest of the world beat. And no, I do not think Knox is guilty. The "evidence" against her is so pathetic, that it wouldn't even have been allowed into an American court (IMO).

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